Rabu, 24 September 2014

mentawai heaven surfer

Mentawai Surf

Pei Pei Lodge is ideally situated in arguably
one of the best surfing areas in the world, the Mentawai Islands. Although spread out over 100’s of kilometres of coastline, this particular area of South Siberut, Nyang Nyang Island & Playgrounds – is the most condensed wave
rich coastline by far. Made famous by the Quiksilver Indies Trader in the 90’s, then by countless surf movies such as September Sessions and Young Guns (to name but a few) as well as gracing the covers of all the major Surfing Magazines – this is the place every
surfer dreams of coming.

Swell Consistency

Without doubt, this is a year round surf destination. Ground swells run incredibly consistently between May and October, when
on any given day, many of the waves are “on”. The main line-ups can be busy on their day but with so many other waves around, crowds are easily avoided. In the so called “off season”, during the rest of the year, swells are smaller
in size but big enough to light up many of the set-ups. You’re not guaranteed to surf the flagship spots, but you’ll certainly surf world-class waves – often alone or just a few others about. And occasionally you’ll score the waves
of your life if you’re lucky enough to time one
of the more sparse ground swells.


Winds are usually variable year round but usually light. It’s always offshore somewhere.

Getting to the waves

With varying winds and swells it’s not ideal to stay at just one surf spot. Boats are an
integral part of any surfer’s daily routine here. The camp will provide an experienced boat
driver and surf guide to take you to best spots.

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